At first glance, this luxurious property located in the Jubilee Hills neighborhood of Hyderabad, India appears to be a high-end resort. In fact, when we saw The Pinnacle List's photos of the 40,000-square-foot four-level structure clad in white marble and filled with plush leather seating, we were ready to pack our bags and make a reservation.
In actuality, this is the CM Ramesh Residence, owned by a prominent Indian familyand located in one of the most expensive residential locations in the country. The home was designed by Krupa Zubin from Zubin Zainuddin Architects and just completed this year.
It is quite a house. 25-foot-high floor-to-ceiling windows overlook a private courtyard and a gorgeous teakwood pool deck. Inside, there are miles of opulence. The bathroom, which may be the biggest we've seen, has two beautiful frosted showers flanking a whirlpool made out of, you guessed it, marble. The best part of the home? A state-of-the-art private theater with reclining seats. You know where to find us.
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